Stay informed and find a rating...

Caitlin on Nov. 23, 2022
Cuddling up on the sofa with your kiddo or teenager to watch a great flick and then an M violence comes up on the screen. Ummm is it ok? If you want a real quick breakdown of what the rating or content warning for a show or movie means check out our summaries on our Find a rating page.
These summaries, which we call Quick Takes, explain content warnings for series and films and we also add in extra information and advice about the things that we know can be quite challenging to watch.
For example this one explains what kind of violence there is in Andor which is rated M with a warning for violence.
Even for older viewers it’s worth checking out the advice. Content like suicide, sexual violence and domestic violence can be triggering for a lot of people. It is important to have access to more information about series and films that contain this kind of stuff so people can make informed decisions before they press play.
Another example of this is our breakdown of ‘House of the Dragon’ S01 E10, where there was a detailed scene in which a character suffers a traumatic stillbirth. So many of us have experienced or know someone who has lived through something similar, and this depiction of pain and loss is not something we should stumble across without warning.
Our goal is to make sure that you are in the driver's seat when it comes to what you and your whānau are watching. Plot twists should keep us on the edge of our seat in a good way and not affect our mental health.
When you are starting a new series or pressing play on a film for you and your whānau to watch take a look at the content warning. If something raises concerns for anyone in the room, have a look at our Find a rating page to see if we have broken it down further. Be in control of what you watch to make your viewing experience much more enjoyable.
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