The Tank
NZ release: 08 June 2023
Bloody violence and horror Rated on: 09 May 2023
What’s it about?
Ben, Jules, and their young daughter Reia inherit a mysterious and isolated coastal property. When they visit, they unearth family secrets and discover the water tank is infested with dangerous creatures.
The facts
- Written and directed by NZ director Scott Walker (The Frozen Ground)
- English language
- Runtime: 100 minutes
- Made in Aotearoa NZ
Why did it get this rating?
There are monstrous creatures that stalk, attack, and drag people out of frame, an isolated setting, and jump scares. The monsters create a sense of threat throughout, growling and banging on doors. The monster horror is much like the scary moments of the Jurassic Park franchise but unlike Jurassic Park, there are bloody wounds.
The monsters tend to attack their victims off-screen. Mauled bodies are shown, with raw flesh exposed. Characters fight the monsters with guns, pitch forks and sticks. They end up with blood on their faces and grazes. In one scene, we see a man bitten by a monster before being dragged away. Later, we see him floating in the water with the skin on his face torn.
Offensive language
‘f**k’ and ‘shit’ are mentioned.