Porco Rosso
NZ release: 18 July 1992
Low level of violence Rated on: 18 July 1992

What’s it about?
An ex-fighter ace is cursed to look like a pig, becomes a bounty hunter in the Adriatic Sea.
The facts
- Directed by Hayao Miyazaki (Howl’s Moving Castle, My Neighbor Totoro)
- Japanese language or English dub
- Runtime: 93 minutes
- Animated film by Studio Ghibli (My Neighbor Totoro, Ponyo, Princess Mononoke)
- Adapted from Miyazaki’s three-part manga series, Hikōtei Jidai
Why did it get this rating?
This film was cross-rated by the Film and Video Labelling Body. You can find out more about cross-rating here.
There is war violence. We see airplane dogfights and machine gun fights, grenades, and explosions.
Two characters get into a long fistfight, we see bruises and missing teeth.
There are scenes where characters are smoking.
Further information
Recent featured decisions
Violence, offensive language and nudity
In 1970s Rio de Janeiro, during the Brazilian dictatorship, former deputy Rubens Paiva was taken by soldiers and never seen again. After 30 years of searching for answers, his wife Eunice begins showing signs of Alzheimer’s just as the truth emerges.