Poker Face
NZ release: 01 December 2022
Violence and offensive language Rated on: 15 November 2022
What’s it about?
A gravely ill man sets up a high-stakes poker game to reconnect with his closest friends. Thieves choose the same night to stage a heist at his home.
The facts
- Directed by and starring Russell Crowe
- Runtime: 94 minutes
- An American production, with parts of the film shot in Sydney and wider New South Wales
Why did it get this rating?
There are some bursts of violence that are realistic but not shown in detail. These are not frequent. Some small amounts of blood are shown. The sudden instances of violence coupled with the serious tone would be likely to shock and disturb children.
Offensive language
There are some uses of “f**k”. Less frequently, “mother**ker” is used casually, and occasionally as an insult. There is also some coarse language such as “pussy”.
Self-harm material
A man gives up his gun and admits to planning to shoot himself. Another man accidentally kills himself. The limited detail in these scenes is unlikely to greatly shock viewers.