Licorice Pizza
Offensive language, sexual references & drug references Rated on: 27 January 2022
What's it about?
1970s San Fernando Valley is the setting for Paul Thomas Anderson’s (director of Inherent Vice, Boogie Nights) coming-of-age high school story starring Cooper Hoffman (Philip Seymour Hoffman’s son) and Alana Haim.
The facts
- Directed by Paul Thomas Anderson
- Run time 133 mins
- Genre: comedy, drama, romance
- Nominated for Best Motion Picture of the Year at the 2022 Academy Awards
Why did it get this rating?
This film was rated by the Film and Video Labelling Body.
Offensive language
Offensive language can include racist, sexist or homophobic insults. This can include text as well as dialogue. At more extreme levels offensive language can be used in an abusive, derogatory or intimidating way that can make younger viewers think this is a normal way to talk to people or encourage them to use it against others.
Sexual references
Some sexual themes can be present (for example sexual relationships, infidelity, references to masturbation) but these will not be the focus of the story. There can be brief partial nudity or scenes that imply sex is happening but don’t show detail. Can contain stronger sexual themes and sex scenes if they are shown in a careful way as part of a wider story. Characters wearing sexual clothing, for example erotic dancing attire or bondage wear, can be shown.
Drug references
Parents are concerned about the potential for younger viewers to directly copy or imitate what they see on screen. The risk increases through factors like the level of instruction involved, its appeal to younger audiences and if it’s made to seem like fun. Younger viewers are not likely to understand what the real world consequences might be.