Fantastic Mr. Fox
NZ release: 25 November 2009
Coarse langauge Rated on: 09 October 2009
What’s it about?
After promising his wife a better life, a clever fox falls back into his farm-stealing habits, only to find himself helping his community survive the farmers’ angry retaliation.
The facts
- Directed by Wes Anderson (Grand Budapest Hotel, The French Dispatch and Moonrise Kingdom.)
- Starring George Clooney (Ocean's Eleven), Meryl Streep (The Devil Wears Prada), Bill Murray (Groundhog Day), Jason Schwartzman (The Grand Budapest Hotel), Willem Dafoe (Spider-Man), Owen Wilson (Midnight in Paris), Helen McCrory (Peaky Blinders)
- English and French languages
- Runtime: 87 minutes
- Based on the novel written by Roald Dahl
Why did it get this rating?
This film game was cross-rated by the Film and Video Labelling Body. You can find out more about cross-rating here.
The film contains low level violence. The farmers attempt to kill the animals using various methods, such as guns and electric fences, however, the stop-motion style of the film lessens the impact of the violence, giving it a comical feel. The strongest scenes of violence include:
- There are two scenes in which characters claw at each other, leaving deep scratches (but no blood).
- Mr. Fox kills chickens with his teeth and there is a verbal reference to how bloody the process is, though it is an over-exaggeration, and is meant for comical purposes.
- A main character's tail is shot off and later mauled by a dog. Very minimal blood is shown.
A character dies due to injuries sustained from a physical fight. There is no gore.
Scary scenes
The fight between Mr. Fox and Rat inside the underground electric generator room may be considered intense or scary for younger viewers. Violent sounds are heard, and most of the scene is in the darkness, occasionally lit up by crackling electricity.
When content stays with you:
We all have our boundaries, and it’s completely okay if something you’ve watched is weighing on your mind. If certain content lingers with you, consider having a chat with friends or whānau to debrief about what you’ve just seen. But if you’re still feeling affected, please reach out to any of the following helplines for support.