NZ release: 20 November 2003
Suitable for general audiences Rated on: 20 November 2003
What’s it about?
An oversized elf sleighs his way from the North Pole to the bustling heart of New York City to meet his unsuspecting biological father who is desperately in need of a dose of Christmas magic.
The facts
- Directed by Jon Favreau (Chef, The Mandalorian)
- English language
- Runtime: 97 minutes
- Starring Will Ferrell, James Caan, Zooey Deschanel, Jon Favreau and Peter Dinklage
Why did it get this rating?
This film was cross-rated by the Film and Video Labelling Body. You can find out more about cross-rating here.
The film contains mild comedy violence. We see punching and kicking, a snowball fight and a character struck by a car. No serious injuries are shown and the violence in these scenes are comedic.