Classification info

We analyse entertainment, like movies and video games, and create ratings so people can make good decisions about content.

How classification works

Find out what we do (and don't) classify, how we go about classifying publications and what happens if you break the law, learn about what classification labels mean, submit a request or search for a classification.

What we classify

By law, the Classification Office is tasked with classifying publications. But what exactly is a "publication"? Find out what we do (and don't) classify.

What we classify

Classification labels

Ever wonder what those ratings on classification labels mean? Find out how classification labels can help you make choices that are right for you and your whānau.

Classification labels

The classification process

We are responsible for restricting or banning publications in New Zealand that we determine to be objectionable or harmful to the public good.

The classification process

Enforcement, offences & penalties

The Classification Act contains offence provisions outlining the penalties for breaching the law. While we examine and classify content, other organisations are responsible for enforcing the law.

Who does the enforcement?

Request or change a classification

You can submit a request for a classification, apply for an exemption or ask for a classification to be reconsidered.

Make a classification request

Find a rating

Browse our huge library of film, book and video game classifications.

Find a rating