Documents & reports

The Classification Office is accountable to the New Zealand public as a provider of an important public service. These documents contain detailed information about our operation, performance, and outlook for the years ahead.

Annual Reports

Annual Reports for a financial year (1 July - 30 June) are available in November each year, once they have been tabled in Parliament.

2023/2024 Annual Report

(pdf, 3.8 MB)

2022/2023 Annual Report

(pdf, 4.0 MB)

2021/2022 Annual Report

(pdf, 2.9 MB)

2020/2021 Annual Report

(pdf, 4.7 MB)

2019/2020 Annual Report

(pdf, 2.7 MB)

2018/2019 Annual Report

(pdf, 2.4 MB)

2017/2018 Annual Report

(pdf, 2.5 MB)

2016/2017 Annual Report

(pdf, 2.2 MB)

2015/2016 Annual Report

(pdf, 3.3 MB)

Statements of Intent

Statements of Intent outline the proposed nature and scope of our activities, how we will be managed, and how we will measure performance.

Statements of Performance Expectations

Statements of Performance Expectations are to be read in conjunction with our Statements of Intent, which outline our longer-term strategic focus and operating environment.

Responses to Official Information Act requests

The Classification Office publishes our responses to Official Information Act requests below. Find out how to make a request for official information here.

Books banned in New Zealand (as at 9 January 2025)

Recent OIA responses

Parental leave entitlements

(pdf, 216.2 KB)

Headcount and pay rates

(pdf, 176.5 KB)

'Mein Kampf' (1925)

(pdf, 157.1 KB)

Banned LGBTQ+ publications

(pdf, 876.8 KB)

Use of te reo Māori

(pdf, 176.9 KB)

Older OIA responses

Responses to Official Information Act requests received before 1 July 2023 can be found on this page.

Classification Office submissions

The Classification Office regularly contributes submissions on proposed legislation and to inquiries relevant to our areas of work.

Chief Executive's expenses, gifts and hospitality disclosure

We publish a list disclosing the expenses, gifts and hospitality that our Chief Executive has expended or been offered.

Kia Toipoto Action Plan

Kia Toipoto is the Public Service’s action plan for closing gender, Māori, Pacific and ethnic pay gaps.

Te Poari o Te Mana Whakaatu Charter

To support the commitment of Te Mana Whakaatu to te ao Māori, Te Mana Whakaatu has appointed its Pou Ārahi to sit with the Chief Censor and the Deputy Chief Censor as Te Poari o Te Mana Whakaatu.

This Charter records how Te Poari will work, the role of the Pou Ārahi, and the statutory obligations of the Chief Censor and Deputy Chief Censor.

Te Poari o Te Mana Whakaatu Board Minutes

Minutes from the quarterly board meetings of Te Poari o Te Mana Whakaatu. These minutes are proactively released, commencing from the meeting held in November 2023.

Contact us

If you'd like a hand with something, just reach out. We're happy to help.