Contact us
We're always here to help if you have any questions, complaints or concerns.
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- General enquiries and complaints
- Media enquiries
- Reporting harmful content on social platforms
- Reporting harmful content
- Broadcasting, press and advertising complaints
- Classification requests
- Official Information Act requests
- Changes to the Classification Act
- Support services
- Overseas classification authorities
General enquiries and complaints
If you have a question about classification, or you're concerned about a rating you've seen, get in touch. There are a number of different ways you can contact us:
Phone: +64 4 471 6770
Freephone: 0508 236 767
Fax: +64 4 471 6781
Physical address:
Level 1
88 The Terrace
Wellington 6011
Postal address:
PO Box 1999
Wellington 6140
New Zealand
Media enquiries
For all media enquiries, please contact us by email at
You can download our media fact sheet here.
Reporting harmful content on social platforms
If you see something on a social media platform that isn’t okay, you should report it to the platform in the first instance.
Reporting harmful content
If you are concerned that someone could be breaking the classification law, please get in touch with one of the agencies below.

Department of Internal Affairs
The Department of Internal Affairs investigates complaints, enforces compliance with labelling requirements, seizes objectionable material and monitors websites.

Police have the power to seize publications and investigate illegal activity, including activities involving the sexual exploitation of children and sharing illegal content.

If Customs officials have concerns that a publication is a prohibited or illegal import, they can seize it at the border and decide whether to proceed with legal action.
Broadcasting, press and advertising complaints
The Classification Office isn't responsible for broadcasting, press, or advertising standards. To make a complaint, contact one of the organisations below.

Complaints should be directed to the broadcaster concerned, and then to the Broadcasting Standards Authority.

Newspapers and magazines
Newspapers and magazines can be classified, but complaints are usually dealt with by the New Zealand Media Council.

Some forms of advertising can be classified, but advertising is generally regulated by the Advertising Standards Authority.
Classification requests
Whether you're a member of the public, an official, or an industry member you're able to submit something to be classified, ask about getting a classification changed or request an exemption.
Official Information Act requests
People in New Zealand can request official information from us and it will be made available unless there is a good reason to withhold it. You can view responses to previous requests for official information here.
Make an Official Information Act request
If you are concerned that your request for information has not been dealt with appropriately you have the right to complain to the Office of the Ombudsman.
Office of the Ombudsman
PO Box 10 152
Wellington 6143
Phone: 0800 802 602
You can find information about all public agencies, and how to request information from them, on the Ministry of Justice's Directory of Official Information.
Changes to the Classification Act
If you would like to comment on, or suggest a change to the Classification Act, you should contact your local Member of Parliament or the Minister of Internal Affairs.
The Department of Internal Affairs administers the Act and is responsible for any changes to the legislation.
Support services
Cyberbullying and other harmful online behaviour:
- Netsafe | 0508 638 723
Helplines and information for parents, children and young people:
Information about movies, TV shows and other media:
Mental health support, information and help:
Help to remove sexually explicit images or videos of yourself that have been shared online:
Overseas classification authorities
- Australian Classification Board
- British Board of Film Classification
- US Classification and Rating Administration
- Motion Picture Association of America
- US Entertainment Software Ratings Board
- Irish Film Classification Office
- Pan-European Games Information
- Info-communications Media Development Authority of Singapore